Background images

How to add background images to content in Setka Editor.

How to add a background image?

Setka Editor uses a nested structure for post content. Smaller objects are placed or nested inside larger ones. For example, a column is nested in a grid, and a grid is nested in the post.

Please see this short tutorial video to learn all about working with backgrounds in Setka Editor:

Video tutorial on how to work with background in Setka Editor
  • For the selected grid (Grid > Background):

  • For the selected column (Column Tab > Background):

Switch between tabs in the horizontal menu to edit elements in each object

Video tutorial on how to switch between tabs in the Upper Toolbar to change settings for various elements (gird, columns, nested grids or paragraph)

How do I upload an image?


Background image scale and position

You can set the background image as a tiled repeat (Image repeat) both horizontally and vertically.

You can also select between original size, fill and fit scale options (Image scale) as well as fix (Image scroll > fixed) or scroll the background image (Image scroll > scroll). Set an image position inside a selected element (Image position).

Video tutorial on how to add an image background to content in Setka Editor and how various background image positioning and scale settings work

You can also decide whether to show a background image on mobile (Show background on mobile > on/off).

How do I remove a background image?

Last updated