Copying and pasting posts from Setka to Ghost
How to copy and paste posts from Setka to Ghost.
To create a beautiful post with Setka Editor styles on Ghost CMS, you can use the Setka Editor Design Cloud plan to generate and easily paste HTML code into Ghost's editor.
Step 1: Create a Setka Editor post
1.Click the Posts tab in your Setka Account. Then, click the Create post button.
2. Design your post.
Step 2: Generate your HTML code
To copy your post's HTML code, click on the Copy to clipboard button.
Step 3. Copy the HTML code into Ghost editor
Create a new post in Ghost editor with a new HTML block. Paste your HTML code inside:
Step 4. Publish your post
That's all there is to it! Ghost allows you to copy your Setka Editor post HTML code directly into the HTML block, rendering your content with all your styles, visuals, and designs.
Making changes in the post
If you decide to update the text or design of your post, you need to make any changes inside the Setka Editor Design cloud and then paste the entire new post's HTML code again into Ghost's editor. Avoid making changes in Ghost, as this may result in lost styles and unplanned alterations.
Last updated