Setka and Webflow
How to connect Setka and Webflow via Zapier.
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How to connect Setka and Webflow via Zapier.
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With the help of Zapier integration, you can automatically export Setka posts' HTML code and other data from your Setka account and then send this data to other CMS.
This is how you can automatically export posts to Webflow and update them via Zapier integration.
Zapier integration via Setka requires access to Setka Content Cloud API. Contact our customer support for access.
Webflow uses CMS Collections, the databases where content units are being classified under certain features. E.g., blog posts, author profiles, or open job pages.
With the help of Zapier, you can create and update items inside of certain CMS Collections. For example, these items can define blog posts.
Thus, to export Setka posts to Webflow, you will need a CMS Collection. Follow these steps to create CMS Collection:
1. Open your project in Webflow;
2. Open the CMS panel in the left-hand corner of the menu and click Create New Collection.
3. Fill the suggested fields and click Create Collection in the right-hand corner.
Zapier integration lets you export new posts and update previously exported posts if their content is changed. To implement such synchronization, 2 separate zaps are needed.
The first zap exports a new post from Setka to Webflow and gets the Webflow post ID.
The second makes use of the post ID from the first. It updates the post with this ID in Webflow if it was changed in Setka.
The Free Zapier account plan does not allow multi-step zaps, that are needed to implement automatic post updates. You can learn more about terms and conditions on the official Zapier website.
Once all the prerequisites are completed, you can either set only the export of new posts or implement export with automatic updates: